SQLite Addon for J

Copyright (C) 2006. Oleg Kobchenko. All rights reserved.
Provided AS IS. No warrantiles or liabilities extended.

SQLite addon -- enhanced API for J
based on sqlite 3.3.7 embedded engine.


create   v opens a database connection
strtbl   v returns unrestricted number of rows of strings
exec     v excutes one or more SQL statements
apply    v bulk insert/update/delete
limit    v pagination for next query statement
query    v select with boxed valued results
strquery v select with boxed string results
colquery v select with column string results

Sql is SQL test with optional parameters as ?
Params is a list or matrix of atomic SQL parameters
   if matrix, operation is repeated for each row
ParamTypes indicate 0=normal and 1=BLOB parameter

Errors are raised as J signal with error message

Enhanced API

create (v) opens a database connection
  db=: 'psqlite'conew~ 'path/to/file.sqlite'

strtbl (v) returns unrestricted number of rows of strings
  sqltbl Sql

exec (v) excutes one or more SQL statements
  exec Sql

apply (v) bulk insert/update/delete
  Params apply Sql;[ParamTypes]

limit (v) pagination for next query statement
  limit [[skip],maxrows]

query (v) select with boxed valued results
  Params query Sql

strquery (v) select with boxed string results
  Params strquery Sql

colquery (v) select with column string results
  Params colquery Sql


These are listings and results of some examples found in the sqlite folder.


require '~addons/sqlite/sqlite.ijs'

sqlSummary=: 0 : 0
  select 'S' TAB, count(*) CNT from S union
  select 'P' TAB, count(*) CNT from P union
  select 'SP' TAB, count(*) CNT from SP union
  select 'J' TAB, count(*) CNT from J union
  select 'SPJ' TABE, count(*) CNT from SPJ;

sqlSpjBySupplierAndWeight=: 0 : 0
    from SPJ,S,P,J
     and SPJ.SID=?
     and SPJ.PID in (select PID from P where WEIGHT=?);

FDIR=: jpath '~addons/sqlite/'
'FDB FDDL FDATA'=: cut 'date.sqlite date_ddl.sql date_data.sql '
ferase FDIR,FDB

]db=: 'psqlite'conew~ FDIR,FDB

exec__db fread FDIR,FDDL
exec__db fread FDIR,FDATA
strquery__db 'select count(*) as COUNT from S;'
strquery__db 'select * from S;' [ limit__db 2 3
strquery__db 'select * from P;'
strquery__db sqlSummary
colquery__db 'select * from P;'
17 colquery__db 'select * from P where WEIGHT=?;'
('S5';17) colquery__db sqlSpjBySupplierAndWeight
(14 17)colquery__db'select * from P where WEIGHT BETWEEN ? and ?;'
strtbl__db'select * from SP where SID=''S1'';'
(12 17) query__db 'select * from P where WEIGHT=?;'
(;+/);}.query__db 'select WEIGHT from P;'

('P7';'Cog';'Red';19.0;'London') apply__db 'insert into P values (?,?,?,?,?);'
('test1';64{.a.) apply__db 'insert into PIC values (?,?);';0 1  NB. 2nd blob
(<'test1')query__db 'select * from PIC where PICNAME=?;'
(64{.a.)-:1 0{::(<'test1')query__db 'select PICVAL from PIC where PICNAME=?;'

colquery__db 'select * from WORDS;'
(1 3) apply__db'delete from WORDS where WID=?;'
exec__db'delete from WORDS where 1;'
sqlInsWords=: 'insert into WORDS (WVAL) VALUES(?);'
(;:'one two three four') apply__db sqlInsWords
(('eleven';1),:('twelve';2))query__db'update WORDS SET WVAL=? WHERE WID=?;'


   FDIR=: jpath '~addons/sqlite/'
   'FDB FDDL FDATA'=: cut 'date.sqlite date_ddl.sql date_data.sql '
   ferase FDIR,FDB
   ]db=: 'psqlite'conew~ FDIR,FDB
   exec__db fread FDIR,FDDL
0 0
   exec__db fread FDIR,FDATA
2 58
   strquery__db 'select count(*) as COUNT from S;'
|5    |
   strquery__db 'select * from S;' [ limit__db 2 3
|S3 |Blake|30    |Paris |
|S4 |Clark|20    |London|
   strquery__db 'select * from P;'
|P1 |Nut  |Red  |12    |London|
|P2 |Bolt |Green|17    |Paris |
|P3 |Screw|Blue |17    |Oslo  |
|P4 |Screw|Red  |14    |London|
|P5 |Cam  |Blue |12    |Paris |
|P6 |Cog  |Red  |19    |London|
   strquery__db sqlSummary
|J  |7  |
|P  |6  |
|S  |5  |
|SP |12 |
|SPJ|24 |
   colquery__db 'select * from P;'
|P1 |Nut  |Red  |12    |London|
|P2 |Bolt |Green|17    |Paris |
|P3 |Screw|Blue |17    |Oslo  |
|P4 |Screw|Red  |14    |London|
|P5 |Cam  |Blue |12    |Paris |
|P6 |Cog  |Red  |19    |London|
   17 colquery__db 'select * from P where WEIGHT=?;'
|P2 |Bolt |Green|17    |Paris|
|P3 |Screw|Blue |17    |Oslo |
   ('S5';17) colquery__db sqlSpjBySupplierAndWeight
|Adams|Bolt |17    |Display|Rome  |
|Adams|Bolt |17    |Console|Athens|
|Adams|Screw|17    |Console|Athens|
   (14 17)colquery__db'select * from P where WEIGHT BETWEEN ? and ?;'
|P2 |Bolt |Green|17    |Paris |
|P3 |Screw|Blue |17    |Oslo  |
|P4 |Screw|Red  |14    |London|
   strtbl__db'select * from SP where SID=''S1'';'
|S1 |P1 |300|
|S1 |P2 |200|
|S1 |P3 |400|
|S1 |P4 |200|
|S1 |P5 |100|
|S1 |P6 |100|
   (12 17) query__db 'select * from P where WEIGHT=?;'
|P1 |Nut  |Red  |12    |London|
|P5 |Cam  |Blue |12    |Paris |
|P2 |Bolt |Green|17    |Paris |
|P3 |Screw|Blue |17    |Oslo  |
   (;+/);}.query__db 'select WEIGHT from P;'
|12 17 17 14 12 19|91|
   ('P7';'Cog';'Red';19.0;'London') apply__db 'insert into P values (?,?,?,?,?);'
   ('test1';64{.a.) apply__db 'insert into PIC values (?,?);';0 1  NB. 2nd blob
   (<'test1')query__db 'select * from PIC where PICNAME=?;'
|PICNAME|PICVAL                                                          |
|test1  |                   ┌┬┐├┼┤└+┘│─   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?|
   (64{.a.)-:1 0{::(<'test1')query__db 'select PICVAL from PIC where PICNAME=?;'
   colquery__db 'select * from WORDS;'
|1  |one  |
|2  |two  |
|3  |three|
|4  |four |
   (1 3) apply__db'delete from WORDS where WID=?;'
1 1
   exec__db'delete from WORDS where 1;'
2 64
   sqlInsWords=: 'insert into WORDS (WVAL) VALUES(?);'
   (;:'one two three four') apply__db sqlInsWords
1 2 3 4
   (('eleven';1),:('twelve';2))query__db'update WORDS SET WVAL=? WHERE WID=?;'

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