NB. J is product of JSoftware Inc. http://jsoftware.com
NB. v3 07/04/2005 (C) Oleg Kobchenko http://olegykj.sourceforge.net
NB. simple arithmetic ===============================================
2 + 2 NB. comment is 'NB.'
2 - 3 NB. negative numbers use '_'
2 * 3 + 4 NB. no precedence, right to left
(2 * 3) + 4 NB. parentheses changes order
3 % 4 NB. division represented by '%'
*: 4 NB. square
%: 4 NB. square root
% 4 NB. 1/x
NB. operations using lists ==========================================
2 * 1 2 3 NB. numeric list with space separators
2 4 6
1 2 3 % 2 4 6 NB. list to list operations, same size
0.5 0.5 0.5
#1 2 3 NB. size of vector
3$1 NB. generate sequence of same numbers
1 1 1
5$1 2 NB. or from a list of given elements
1 2 1 2 1
NB. list elements ===================================================
{.1 2 3 NB. first element
{:1 2 3 NB. last element
}.1 2 3 NB. rest without first element
2 3
}:1 2 3 NB. rest without last element
1 2
|.1 2 3 NB. reverse
3 2 1
NB. indexing and sorting ============================================
1{1 2 3 NB. indexing is zero-based
1 0{1 2 3 NB. index can be vector too
2 1
i.3 NB. generate zero-based sequence
0 1 2
2 4 6 i. 4 NB. index of given element(s)
/:2 1 6 NB. indices of sorted order
1 0 2
/:~2 1 6 NB. sort vector
1 2 6 NB. F~y <=> y F y
NB. list aggregation ================================================
1 2 3,10 20 NB. join vectors
1 2 3 10 20
1 + 2 + 3 NB. sum of elements
+/1 2 3 NB. insert '+' between elements
+/\1 2 3 NB. running sum of elements
1 3 6
1,(1+2),(1+2+3) NB. same as this
1 3 6
2+/\1 2 3 4 5 NB. sum or running pairs
3 5 7 9
_2+/\1 2 3 4 5 NB. non-intersecting pairs
3 7 5
(<1 2),3 4 6;7 6 NB. < is boxing, ; is box and join
|1 2|3 4 6|7 6|
>{. 3 4 6;7 6 NB. > is unboxing
3 4 6
NB. function combinations ===========================================
(+ *:) 4 NB. hook (F G) y <=> y F (G y)
20 NB. a + a^2
(%: , *:) 4 NB. fork (F G H) y <=> (F y) G (H y)
2 16 NB. [sqrt(a), a^2]
*:@(+/) 2 3 NB. composition (F o G) y <=> F G y
25 NB. (a + b)^2
2 +&*: 3 NB. x F & G y <=> (G x) F (G y)
13 NB. a^2 + b^2
2 (+&*: + 2: * *) 3 NB. (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab
25 NB. 0: 1: 2: ... are const functions
3 +&.*: 4 NB. F&.G y <=> (G^:_1) F G y
5 NB. sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
NB. user defined functions and arguments ============================
m1=: - NB. ambivalent tacit
m2=: 3 : '-y.' NB. monadic explicit
m3=: 4 : 'x.-y.' NB. dyadic explcit
(m1 , m2 , 0&m3) 4 NB. monadic use, 0& is bonding
_4 _4 _4
3 (m1 , (+ m2) , m3) 4 NB. dyadic use, hook for dyadization
_1 _1 _1
(m1 , m3) / 3 4 NB. distribute arguments: dyadization
_1 _1
3 (m1 , m4) @ , 4 NB. collect arguments: monadization
_3 _4 _3 _4
NB. exponent and logarithm ==========================================
1x1 2x1 1x2 NB. e, 2e, e squared
2.71828 5.43656 7.38906
^2 NB. exponent, e^2
2^16 NB. exponent base 2, 2^16
^. 1x2 NB. logarithm, ln e^2
2^.65536 NB. logarithm base 2, log2 65536
NB. trigonometry ====================================================
1p1 2p1 1p2 NB. pi, 2 pi, pi squared
3.14159 6.28319 9.8696
load'trig' NB. load trigonometry library
cos 1p1 NB. cosine of pi
(*:cos 1p1) + *:sin 1p1 NB. theorem of trigonometry
(cos +&*: sin) 1 2p1 1p2 NB. same using fork and &
1 1 1
NB. matrices ========================================================
1 2 3 */ 1 2 3 NB. outer product: multiplication table
1 2 3 NB. same as */~ 1 2 3
2 4 6
3 6 9
=/~i.3 NB. identity matrix, also =@i. (self-classify)
1 0 0 NB. F~y <=> y F y
0 1 0
0 0 1
]M=. i.2 3 NB. generate matrix
0 1 2
3 4 5
2 2$0 1 1 1 NB. reshape given vector to matrix
0 1
1 1
NB. structural transforms ===========================================
,N=: i.2 2 3 NB. ravel: list of atoms
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
,"2 N NB. ravel each sub-matrix
0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
(]; |:; |.;|."1;1&|.) M=. 3 3$'ABC123!@#' NB. character matrix
+---+---+---+---+---+ NB. ] returns argument
|ABC|A1!|!@#|CBA|123| NB. |: transposes
|123|B2@|123|321|!@#| NB. |. reverses outer list
|!@#|C3#|ABC|#@!|ABC| NB. |."1 reverses inner list
+---+---+---+---+---+ NB. 1|. rotates outer list
;:^:_1 </.M NB. oblique: secondary diagonals
A B1 C2! 3@ # NB. same as (</.~&, +"0/~@i.@#) M
NB. ;:^:_1 is inverse of boxing tokens
i.@# } M NB. main diagonal
NB. selection ======================================================
1{1{1{N NB. repetitive selection of items From list
1{^:3 N NB. apply select 3 times
(<1 1 1){N NB. scatter select
1 1 1 ({~ <)~ N NB. using unboxed list
NB. factorial and binomial ==========================================
! 1+i.5 NB. factorial
1 2 6 24 120
*/\ 1+i.5 NB. running product
1 2 6 24 120
!/~ i.5 NB. binomial coefficients
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 3 6
0 0 0 1 4
0 0 0 0 1
+/@(! |.)\i. 15 NB. fibonacci: sum of second diagonal of binomial matrix
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610
NB. dot product =====================================================
1 2 3(+/ . *)1 2 3 NB. dot product
M=: 2 2$0 1 1 1 NB. assignment
dot=: +/ . * NB. expression given a name
dot~ M NB. matrix squared
1 1
1 2
dot^:(15)~ M NB. matrix to the power of 15, also fibonacci
610 987
987 1597
{:@{."2 dot^:(<15)~ M NB. F^:n is apply F n times accumulatively
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610
NB. randomness and probability ======================================
]A=: 5 ?@$ 0 NB. 5 random floats from 0..1
0.57708 0.542732 0.488337 0.26004 0.0101683
]B=: 10 ?@$ 2 NB. coin toss
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
]C=: 3 ? 3 NB. deal 3 out of 3 cards in certain order
1 2 0
(<./ , >./) A NB. min and max over the list
0.0101683 0.57708
B i. 0 NB. first zero
(+/ % #) C-:"1 (?~"0) 10000#3 NB. method monte carlo
0.1637 NB. -: is list equality, F"n is rank modifier
%!3 NB. exact probability of 3 cards in given order
NB. unique elements =================================================
]D=.~. S=. 'mississippi' NB. distinct (nub)
]K=. D i. S NB. key (index)
0 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 1
K </. S NB. group by key
K #/. S NB. frequencies
1 4 4 2
]I=. ~: S NB. sieve of nub
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 NB. where D is in S
I # S NB. filter by sieve to get D
+/"1 =S NB. = is classify, bool matrix of S vs D
1 4 4 2 NB. where items of D are in S