NB. plotting 3-coord points
NB. 08/16/05 Oleg Kobchenko
require 'plot'
cut=: <"2 @ (0 1&|:) NB. 3-array to list of boxed matrices
cubic=: 3 : 0 NB. unit 3-cube
v =. 2 2 2#: i.8
ndx =. 0 2 6 4, 4 6 7 5, 1 5 7 3, 0 1 3 2, 2 3 7 6,: 0 4 5 1
ndx { v
cubes=: [: cut cubic ,/@:(+"1"_ 1) ] NB. unit cubes shited by list of 3-coords
plotcubes=: 'poly'"_ plot cubes NB. 3d plot of list of 3-coords
view3d=: [: plotcubes ($ #: I.@,) NB. 3d boolean viewmat
randcubes=: 4 : '3 (# (#: ?) y.&#@^~) x.' NB. y 3-coords from 0..x
0 : 0
plotcubes 5 randcubes 10
plotcubes 5 randcubes 20
plotcubes 10 randcubes 100
plotcubes 30 randcubes 1000
plotcubes 100 randcubes 10000
]CUBES=: 5 randcubes 10
cut QUBES=: 1(<"1 CUBES)}5 5 5$0 NB. coord to boolean 3-cube
(/:~CUBES) -: ($ #: I.@,) QUBES
plotcubes CUBES
view3d QUBES
view3d 1>? (3#5)$10
view3d 3>? (3#20)$100