J is a
modern, high-level, general-purpose, high-performance portable programming
language created by Kenneth Iverson.
Jsoftware Inc. develops and
distributes J systems.
Ewart Shaw,
researches statistics, algebra, numerical methods and their
aplications in J.
Keith Smillie,
takes interest in
Statistical applications of array-processing languages.
Cliff Reiter,
author of Image Addon, uses J in
Chaos, Fractals and Symmetry and other areas of Mathematics.
John Howland shares
course material in array and functional languages, original interpretation of Computer Science.
University of Waterloo APL and J
archives by Lee Dickey.
Web site of Donald McIntyre contains
interesting insights into J history.
Programming languages news, articles and
Vector, journal of
British APL Association,
publishes material on APL and J.

Quote Quad, quarterly of
APL and J ACM Special Interest Group.
Our Sister Sites

A digital media software project.
OpenJ, a portable open source implementaion.
J by Example v2
Practical 4-page hands-on summary to give some idea how things are done in J. Formats:
PostScript and
Vrabecz Attila created
K by Example.
of J and K are here in
HTML and
PDF formats.
K. Smillie's
J Companion for Statistical Calculations
Means, medians and quartiles,
frequency tabulations, variance, regression,
plots, randomness, simulation,
nonparametric tests, and probability distributions.
PDF Letter,
sqlite |
358 Kb |
v0.06 |
05-Oct-06 |
J bindings to
SQLite embedded engine.
Contains direct library calls as well as array-based economical bulk API.
Includes Win32, Linux binaries; on Mac OS X it comes standard.
SQLite Browser application views and queries database schema and data.
See Phrase DB online service in JHP live demo.
Summary and examples are here.
For details see .
zip | includes j504
191 Kb |
v0.06 |
23-Jul-06 |
Zip file utilities based on
zlib 1.2.3 and
libraries. Interface API is similar to the
files package. Includes Win32, Linux and Mac OS X universal binaries.
For details see .
xml | includes j504
420.0 Kb |
v0.07 |
5-Aug-06 |
XML parser addon based on
Expat 2.0.0 library. There is both flat API and object oriented,
SAX-like interface. Binaries for Windows, Linux x86 and Darwin PPC included.
For details and coding style see notes and examples
and .
JHP | includes older j504
65.8 Kb |
v0.09 |
27-Sep-06 |
JHP: J Hypertext Processor. A J based engine to run server-side web
applications and create dynamic web content. Syntax is similar to PHP or ASP.
JHP can run on any platform and web server. Browse JHP to see it
in action live on this server. The above link also contains documentation.
Exciting dynamic OpenGL since v0.04, database v0.07 and other improvements.
For details see .
graphviz | includes j504
1.30 Mb |
v0.03 |
22-Jul-06 |
Integrated with J, a popular graph drawing visualization library.
Includes user interface Graph View and a utility to visualize sequential machines
(finite automata). Contains reference and links.
Screenshots available.
See help.html for furter details. Run bin/install!
See also companion cluster analysis
(172 Kb) addon, featured on J Wiki.
jasync |
27.1 Kb |
v0.01 |
21-Dec-05 |
Some study of multithreaded asynchronous execution in J.
Supplied DLL is called from J and in turn calls a new instance of J engine
on a separate thread of the same process. An arbitrary J script line
is passed as a parameter. Contains examples of J engine non-reenterability.
pcre |
256 Kb |
v0.01 |
5-Dec-04 |
Perl-compatible regular expression library.
Proposed as replacement for current J regex DLL.
For details see the source of the script.
A performance comparison test with J regex is provided.
Currently win32-only, but other platforms just require a different binary.
JayScript | |
(53.1 Kb) |
v1.0.4 |
J Language Active Script Connector. Implements Windows script interfaces.
Allows J to be used as script for various scripting hosts:
cscript/wscript shell
with .ijss extension or a
Windows Script File job,
ASP, Internet Explorer; as well as custom applications that support
scripting extensions.
See more at J Wiki.
platimg |
platimg-0.07 |
(3.9 Kb) |
v0.07 |
Platform neutral image reading and writing utilities with implementations for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Supports BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, Exif, ICO, WMF, and EMF formats where available.
Returns pixel matrix in ARGB (Alpha most significant) integer format.
Expects ARGB, or triples of RGB in any axis of rank 3 array. Good for glpixels.
Uses GDI+,
Core Graphics (Quartz),
The gdk-pixbuf Library from GTK+.
See more at J Wiki.
animate |
(v0.01 for j501) |
(9.77 Kb) |
v0.05 |
Generic extensible animation form suitable to host 2D or 3D graphics.
Driven by timer the STEP parameter ranges
from MIN to MAX . User code than each time
builds the image for the current STEP , allowing both sequencial and random positioning.
For examples see gl2test1.ijs and
gl3test.ijs with such
Plot, Isigraph, Viewmat packages and OpenGL give interesting
New j6 version produces image sequences convertible to movies. |
okole | j601 | j504 |
j502 |
(19 Kb) |
v0.13 |
Contains cover classes for use with particular ActiveX /
OLE Automation components.
NOTE: you need to have COMCTL32.OCX
in %windows%\system32 properly licensed on your machine.
Alternatively, MSCOMCTL.OCX may be used,
but then you will have to correct the
cc for TreeView/ListView/etc. in form creation accordingly.
Screen shots are available. (See for J 40x below) |
split |
split.ijs |
view j601+
(2.20 Kb) |
Splitter control for dynamically resizing boundary between two or more controls.
Has a vertical and horizontal variety. Capable of having multiple splitters in one window.
For details see J Wiki. |
csvedit | |
(6.65 Kb) |
CSV Editor is a utility application that allows to edit CSV files. There is a specific CSV file format convention for recognizing headers and treatment of quotes. For more information see
J Wiki. |
batchtest | for j504+
4.70 Kb |
updated |
18-Mar-06 |
Code-centric comparative batch tester.
Operates on a number of cases (expressions of verbs that return the same result,
but may differ in performance) and series (sets of input data for the cases).
The result is tabulation, bar chart, plot and error log of each case against each series.
Sample test: source,
plot and table.
See also J Wiki.
Note: for j503 and below see source to modify.
plot3d |
plot3d.ijs |
(0.92 Kb) |
Plotting boolean 3-array, roughly equivalent to 3D version of viewmat.
Also plots a list of 3-coordinates similarly. Here is an illustration. |
transcode |
transcode.ijs |
(1.18 Kb) |
Simplistic transcoder which maps exact characters from search list to replacement list.
Example is an archaic Ukrainian DOS table to be upgraded to Windows
code page. |
jterm |
jterm.vbs | view,
jexeterm.vbs | view
1.80 Kb |
18-Sep-04 |
VBScript terminal to run J console and EXE servers in DOS window
command line mode. Also runs in any application has has built-in shell, e.g. Emacs
Requires Windows Scripting Host and VBScript (
This script file needs to be run in console (not window) mode, i.e by cscript.exe
rather than wscript.exe. NOTE: this gives a generic example of using J
Automation server from windows scripts. Screen
shot is available.
ado |
ado.ijs | view
3.06 Kb |
v0.03 |
28-Mar-04 |
Module for date access with ADO. Requires
MDAC 2.6 or above. Output formatted into boxed cells or columns. Field names can be retrieved.
Numerics can be converted.
Contains verbs that can be easily used in expressions to select connection string
and perform SQL operations. Can be similarly extended to include transations, cursor types, etc.
viewfld |
viewfld.ijs | view
old | view
2.48 Kb |
11-Mar-04 |
View Field, an extension to viewmat for complex values. Screenshots (much nicer after j503cbeta):
cos, jiota, log,
Lotka-Volterra. Updated version is rewritten in mostly complex bulk operations
and has improved documentation.
xsl |
xsl.ijs | view
2.55 Kb |
24-Nov-03 |
XSL Transformation of a text XML with a text XSLT. Useful for obtaining a flat
text for further processing with J. Requires
The idea is to avoid reinventing the wheel trying to make XML parser in J, but
use world's best XML tool for what it does best and leave flat structures to
the world's best rectangular data tool.
flattoolbar |
tbtest.ijs |
1.67 Kb |
12-Nov-03 |
Flat Toolbar. Win32 feature to change the appearance of a toolbar to get the
flat look. Works on J Forms with a toolbar. See a screenshot.
map |
map.ijs | view |
(5.74 Kb) |
v0.02 |
map -- Map of (,:key;value) pairs. A set of
functions, similar to existing dictionary object, but in contrast maps
allow to operate plain boxed J arrays, thus no locales are used and no effort
is need for for import/export. Generally good for small to medium data volumes,
but having semantical and structural richness. Possible applications: (1)
metadata, as in detailed header for keyfiles stored in extra for each
item and describing the item's structure; (2) GUI, graphics or document
elements, which can be manipulated as in DOM and later transformed to other
format, e.g. wd'', glXXX, etc. (3) an equivalent or representation
of XML data structures. Now with multiline string and compact multikey-per-line
representations, good for configs and declarative programming. |
task |
task.ijs | view
(7.1 Kb) |
Verbs to allow running tasks with enhanced features: fork (usually
windowed) tasks with optional timeout or no waiting, spawn (mostly
command-line) tasks sending input and capturing output, shell spawing
shell commands with I/O. No temporary files! |
md5 |
wincrypt.ijs |
view crypt.ijs
| view
(1.88/3.07 Kb) |
wincrypt -- Windows API cryptography. See MSDN for details
crypt -- RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. See RFC
1321 for license details
timer |
timer.ijs |
(5.08 Kb) |
alpha |
Universal timer singleton registering and triggering events: both
recurrent (time span in msec) and one-time scheduled (absolute time). Features
realtime-like concurrency, synchronization, setting/killing/modifying events;
priority setting/reseting, number of times to run or forever; info for a single
event and state report for all events. To-do -- fix a bug with tight new span;
try/catch; system hook for tracing, etc.
Screenshot 1, Screenshot
2 are available. |
dynplot |
dynplot.ijs |
(1.7 Kb) |
Multiwindow independent animations. Uses a timer singleton object
to handle multiple independent timers.
Screen shot is available. |
borderless |
borderless.ijs ·
view |
borderless-j5.ijs ·
(4.1 Kb) |
Represent a standard J Form as a borderless window of arbitrary
shape, the area outside of the shape being transparent.
Screen shot is available. |
okhtml2 |
(0.8 Kb) |
Converts J boxed output to HTML table. Updated for J 50x.
Available are charset sample and
embeded boxes sampler. (See
for J 40x below) |
plotpdf |
(4 Kb) |
PDF Formatter for J Plot. Compatible with j406, j406 ce, j501, j501
Screen shots are available. (See
plotpdf.ijs source code.) |
jgl2vml |
8.57 Kb |
7-Jan-01 |
J Plot VML
is based on intercepting gl2 commands to generate
VML graphs and charts. Allows to bring the power of J and its graphical
engine to the Web and HTML applications. Serves as a prototype for client and
server-side solutions.
To see the demo, you need Windows machine with MS
Internet Explorer having VML and XML support, plus J v4.0x installed on your
machine. Tested on IE v5.5 and 6.0. As J is called as ActiveX, security settings need to be adjusted.
NOTES: J part is fairly well optimized, however numerous reloads of page result
in "out of memory": close page and open a fresh one. VML part suffers at plots
with multiple polygons, like WIRES and SURFACES. Currently awkward way to allow
textr and textc alignment result in slower updates.
j62ipaq |
198 Kb (203,264 b) |
v0.04 |
14-Dec-00 |
Built from J6.2 distribution source, for Windows CE 3.0
device with StrongArm 1100 processor, e.g. tested on PocketPC iPaq 3600. To
install, copy this .exe to the device, don't run it on a PC. To run, requires
console.dll 33.5 Kb (34,404 b) (from MS Platform Builder 3.0) placed to
/windows folder. IMPORTANT: Verify the file sizes after both download
and copying to the device. Recommended are the installation
notes. Screen shots are available. NOTE:
some features are cut off, due to limitation of C runtime for CE. E.g. the ts
xeno. All copyright and licensed material is subject to respective agreements.
Alternative is a bulk 197 Kb
(202,262 b), including it all.
sdoc2htm | |
(4.7 Kb) |
v2.00 |
5-Dec-00 |
Produces HTML/CHM from scriptdoc.
This tiny SOB generates over 400k worth of HTML help for J system scripts.
Sample file for J4.05x: sdoc.chm (84 Kb) - can
either Save or Open right from here. Generated set of HTML files: (cf J4.03: sdoc101.chm,, and J4.02:, |
regexs | (earlier
(2.3 Kb) |
v2.00 |
Regular expressions extended for Perl/awk/sed-like substitution.
Features an option to process executable replacements. Also see
regexs2 source (earlier regexs),
examples and the idea. Recommended is the
new version 2 based on Chris Burke's new rplc being also included. |
testjava |
(0.7 Kb) |
Demonstrates using Java classes registered as COM in J
Requires Microsoft Java SDK or MS
Visual Studio 6.0 |
console |
(10.1 Kb) |
Windows Console functionality
sqlview |
(14.9 Kb) |
v0.01 |
Simple ODBC SQL query viewer |
okole |
(21 Kb) |
v0.02 |
Contains cover classes for use with particular ActiveX /
OLE Automation controls.
Screen shots are available. (Earlier |
menu |
(1.9 Kb) |
v0.02 |
Win32api popup menu |
okhtml |
(0.8 Kb) |
Converts J boxed output to HTML table.
Available are charset sample and
embeded boxes sampler. |
clipbrd |
(3.4 Kb) |
Provides an interface to Win32api clipboard functionality
grdata | | (for j4xx) |
(15.0 Kb) |
v1.02 |
Suited for displaying the results of J expresions
in a grid. Custom implementation in low-level grid API.
Screen shots are available. Also see
help text. |
SAXPSA | | (original) |
(104 Kb) |
13-Mar-07 |
Sharp APL Type 1 Font.
Originally created by Joey Tuttle with various contributions
and configurations by other authors.
See readme for more details,
history and easy installation instructions.
Rendering with Acrobat Reader 8.0.
OKFonts | |
(12.2 Kb) |
v1.01 |
20-Aug-99 |
Windows OEM and ANSI fonts for use in J. Code pages
866, 1251. Screen shots are available.
sliderule |
view |
05-Sep-19 |
Circular slide rule in Canvas.
Original similar slide rule is done in VML by Andrew Nikitin:
KL-1 Emulator.